
Futuristic Farming: Iceland’s Algae Revolution for Food Production


Inside Iceland’s future farm cultivating algae for food

In the shadow of Iceland’s largest geothermal power station, there lies a massive warehouse that houses a cutting-edge indoor farm unlike anything that has been seen before. This innovative facility, created by Vaxa Technologies of Iceland, is dedicated to cultivating microalgae for food production.

As I step inside, I am greeted by a peculiar pink-purple glow that illuminates the lit screens and cylindrical columns of bubbling water. These elements work together to create the perfect environment for the growth of microalgae. General manager Kristinn Haflidason leads me on a tour of the futuristic plant, explaining the revolutionary methods used to nurture these microscopic aquatic creatures.

While seaweed, or macroalgae, has been consumed by humans for centuries, its microscopic counterpart, microalgae, has not been as popular as a food source. However, scientists and businesspeople are beginning to recognize the potential of microalgae as a nutritious and sustainable food source. The Vaxa complex, located just outside of Reykjavik, specializes in producing Nannochloropsis microalgae for human consumption and as feed for fish and shrimp farms. In addition, they also develop Arthospira bacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae or spirulina.

The process of photosynthesis is vital to the growth of these small creatures, as they convert light energy into carbon dioxide and oxygen. Mr. Haflidason explains that the algae not only consume carbon dioxide but also have a carbon-negative impact on the environment. This is due in part to the unique combination of the algae production facility with a geothermal power plant. The geothermal power plant supplies clean energy, cold water for cultivation, hot water for heating, and even pipes its carbon dioxide emissions to the algae facility.

Danish Technology Institute (DTI) consultant Asger Munch Smidt-Jensen, co-author of a study on the environmental impact of Vaxa’s spirulina production, highlights the low carbon footprint of the facility. To maintain this low impact, renewable electricity is essential, as well as a minimal carbon footprint in the supply of carbon dioxide and nutrients. The combination of these factors results in a sustainable and environmentally friendly production process.

The algae facility is equipped with high-tech photo-bioreactors that use red and blue LED lights to power the growth of microalgae. These reactors are closely monitored and optimized using machine learning to ensure the ideal conditions for growth. The facility is capable of producing up to 150 metric tons of algae per year, with plans for expansion in the future.

Mr. Haflidason believes that microalgae production has the potential to address global food insecurity, as these crops are rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B12. The industry of microalgae production is predicted to be worth billions by 2033, with companies like Danish startup Algiecel exploring innovative methods of cultivating microalgae for food production and carbon sequestration.

While microalgae still face challenges in terms of taste and texture, researchers like Malene Lihme Olsen see great potential for these tiny organisms as a future food source. By incorporating microalgae into familiar foods like pasta and bread, the taste, texture, and nutritional benefits can be enhanced.

As I peer at the unappealing green sludge of processed microalgae, I am reminded that these tiny organisms hold great promise for the future of food production. While the concept of eating algae may be unfamiliar to many, the potential benefits for both human health and the environment are undeniable. As we look towards a future of sustainable and nutritious food sources, microalgae may just be the key to feeding a growing population in a changing world.

Über den Autor  /  Anna Munhoz



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